Monday, September 5, 2011

The Uncertainty of Science

I know the scientists out there (if they ever read this) would be saying to themselves "Ok we've got another religious zealot on our hands" by my title. But that wouldn't be true. I have recently been in a discussion with an Atheist over Evolution and Darwinism. It was very friendly for the most part until he must have gotten desperate. What really struck me with him is that he was very good at refuting the people and institutions I got my information from. Saying they were biased towards Intelligent Design and therefore could not be trusted with their findings and research. What he was not good at however was challenging the substance of my arguments, regardless of who they came from. He boasted that one of the main advantages of science is their "open-mindedness and ability to think out of the box to find the answers". If that be the case, why has the argument ended on Intelligent Design being a possibility? Especially since Darwinists or Evolutionists have yet to find out how the tiny, extremely complex, yet simplest of life-forms came into being. I mean, its not like scientists have ever been wrong before right?

Check out the article below to see how the most important theories in Physics just may be totally wrong. Here is a quote from one of the Nobel Prize winning scientists, “It’s got symmetry, it’s super and it's been taught in Europe for decades as the correct model because it is so beautiful,” he said. “But there's no experimental data to say that it is correct.”

So since we cannot find what caused life to form and since we cannot provide any genetic information that shows one species ever transformed into another, whose to say that Darwin's version of evolution just might have it wrong as well? 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


For the first time in our history the integrity of our debts has been officially downgraded.  Does it surprise anyone?  Not me.  If you're like me you've been watching this day come for at least a couple of years now.  What caused it?  Well if you ask me, its an integrity issue.  The heart of our problem is our inability to tell ourselves the truth, not just about our financial situation but in many other aspects as well.  There is a quote from a religious leader I believe would have helped us prevent what happened yesterday and what is still to come.  He says "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. So watch your step!"

Bit by bit we have told ourselves one little lie after another. Spending over $1,000,000 on gold plated toilets is just one example of what happens when we worry more about what the neighbors think of our car than what principles and values someone has that we elect to spend our hard earned money on.  I've heard time and time again, "When will people wake up?"  They will wake up when they start searching for the truth.  As uncomfortable as that will be for many of us its the only remedy and solution to our woes and it's all that will get us through the storms that lie ahead.  I'd like to end with a quote I recently found, it says, "That which can be destroyed by truth should be."  We are approaching that event, when all that is false and corrupt in our government and society will be destroyed by the truth.  Its up to us to find and hold on to those truths that made this nation great.